
HELP : pending problems

Atena Farghadani is now free !

"according to wikipedia, atena farghadani will turn 29 in evin prison on friday.

she was sentenced one year ago.

with the release of jason rezaian and three others a week ago, we think it's a good time to make some noise.

as part of that, ann telnaes suggested those interested recording a quick message on their phone or computer.

why it's wrong atena farghadani is in prison;
why it's in iran's interest to free her.
ending with 'free atena farghadani.' (in your language of preference)

or free form — whatever you want.

edited together, we'd have a powerful clip for the website and something we could all post and send around.

if you're into it, send your clip to me: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
and let others know.
it would be great to have some writers, musicians, actors, athletes, comedians, poets, painters, etc., in the mix.
and 'free atena farghadani' in as many languages we can muster.

to get potential vid-petitioners acquainted with her situation —

the goal is to get something onto the crni website"

from Dan Murphy, CRNI.











The Supreme Court of Justice (Under President Ortega control, like the rest of institutions in the country) introduced a bill on the congress about the violence against women (a serious problem) but used the bill to include a way to legally punish the "Media Violence" which includes an article that punish the satire,
many suspected in that article an ambush against free press, specially cartoons, to try to stop cartoonists from drawing and criticizing the first lady (which, it's a general perception, is the person with more power over the country after her husband), and other female members of the government including in fact, the vice-public prosecutor (a former member of the Police) which in what some may think it was a "lapsus" explicitly mentioned the cartoons as part of the reason for the article, that "lapsus" of her, left the intention of the bill kind of clear to the independent journalism, right after that, voices of concern against that article started raising, newspapers, journalists, tv news shows, cartoonists, human rights organizations, women organizations (Which presented their own bill about violence against women that did not included anything like this article) and even the Catholic bishops which sometimes in the past have not been very happy with some cartoons, gave their opinions against the article and in favor of free press and cartoons, after an entire week of social pressure in the media, the Supreme Court called a press conference to say they will pull out the article ("for now" they said), but many organizations, including human rights organizations, think society have to remain alert because there could be another threats hiding on the road for free press which include cartoons, specially in this, an Election Year.

Our colleague Rayma Suprani was victim of “ communicational guerrilla”


this cartoon by Ballouhey was censured by a french magazine on the pretext "not representative of the reality"

Our colleague Marilena Nardi is charged for defamation (!), because she produced two cartoons showing that motorways companies are making a lot of money.
You can see here the two incriminated cartoons.

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