


censorship in Ecuador


Emad Hajjaj, FECO Jordan President, was arrested and imprisoned by the Government of Jordan for drawing that caricature criticizing the agreement signed between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

We strongly condemn the arrest of Emad.
In the Declaration of Human Rights the Article 19 states this:
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
We remember that the Jordanian King told the following to the chief editors of Jordanian daily newspapers at a meeting at Bab Al Urdun Palace on Nov 9, 2008:
"ln Jordan there will be no detention of any journalist for carrying out his/her duty. Detention of journalists is prohibited. I do not see a reason for detaining a journalist because he/she wrote something." .... but it was in 2008 .....


Our website is an area of freedom and tolerance opened to everybody.
Cultural diversity is the greatest wealth of FECO.
